Copy tables from one database to another using copy utility.
connect to sql * plus
copy from scott/oracle@ORCL-
to rajiv/rajiv@ORCL1-
create new_emp1–
using select * from emp;
connect to the schema where the table present then copy the table to another schema of other Database.
copy to rajiv/rajiv@ORCL1-
create new_emp2–
using select * from emp;
Description :
The copy command copies data from one Oracle instance to another. The data is simply copied directly from a source to a target. The format of the copy command is:
COPY FROM database TO database action -
destination_table (column_name, column_name...) USING query
The action can include:
create – If the destination table already exists, copy will report an error, otherwise the table is created and the data is copied.
replace – If the destination table exists, copy will drop and recreate the table with the newly copied data. Otherwise, it will create the table and populate it with the data.
insert – If the destination table exists, copy inserts the new rows into the table. Otherwise, copy reports an error and aborts.
append– Inserts the data into the table if it exists, otherwise it will create the table and then insert the data.
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connect to sql * plus
copy from scott/oracle@ORCL-
to rajiv/rajiv@ORCL1-
create new_emp1–
using select * from emp;
connect to the schema where the table present then copy the table to another schema of other Database.
copy to rajiv/rajiv@ORCL1-
create new_emp2–
using select * from emp;
Description :
The copy command copies data from one Oracle instance to another. The data is simply copied directly from a source to a target. The format of the copy command is:
COPY FROM database TO database action -
destination_table (column_name, column_name...) USING query
The action can include:
create – If the destination table already exists, copy will report an error, otherwise the table is created and the data is copied.
replace – If the destination table exists, copy will drop and recreate the table with the newly copied data. Otherwise, it will create the table and populate it with the data.
insert – If the destination table exists, copy inserts the new rows into the table. Otherwise, copy reports an error and aborts.
append– Inserts the data into the table if it exists, otherwise it will create the table and then insert the data.
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